Your Ad here ...

Product ...

Services ...

Other things ...

Rabu, 24 September 2008

Rabu, 18 Juni 2008
"My Google Adsense is Disable" is Google's gift in my birthday
Today is my Birth day, June 18th, 2008. Now I am 24 years old.
I should happy but what the stupid gift that I received is from Google
Your AdSense account for this login is currently disabled" Adsense Account is Banned

It makes me sad. R
emember last month I just blog about Thanks Adsense

Unfortunately my Google Adsense is disable by Google now (NOT this blog is disabled) and most probably because I placed my ads on several blogs which violated their TOS. Below is the email that I have received for the notification of my
Google Adsense is disable by Google.

"While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
our advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account".
Jumat, 13 Juni 2008
Why I should apply Credit Card while I have debit card

Should I apply my credit card?
Itulah hal yang selama ini gw pikirkan? sebenarnya gw butuh gak sih kartu kredit itu?
" gimana ibu yuniar...mau apply kan?" rayu telemarketer salah satu bank swasta yg lagi gencar promo free annual fee for your credit card.
saking seringnya ditelepon ama telemarketing bank untuk kelengkapan dokumen akhirnya gw menyanggupi untuk coba apply CC
Entah dapat darimana “mba telemarketing” itu tahu nomer handphoneku. Yang jelas pihak marketing bank tsb akhirnya berhasil mendapatkan tandatangan + dokument gw untuk aplikasi pengajuan kartu kredit.
Sebenarnya gw butuh gak butuh ama magic card tsb. Dibilang butuh, emang gw butuh kartu gesek tsb agar Paypal gw tervalidasi, dalam rangka pengiriman adsense gw. Dibilang gak butuh karena emang gw pas aplikasinya ogah-ogahan secara gw ga punya gaji tetap. Jadi gw bikin slip gaji palsu dan asal-asalan hihhhihi.

Yang gw salut dari telemarketer calon penerbit kartu kredit gw itu adalah : selama 3 bulan mereka menelpon gw setiap seminggu sekali hanya untuk memastikan apakah slip gaji guw bisa diambil apa gak?

Ternyata selasa kemarin gw baru tau kalo pihak bank penerbit kartu kredit tsb tanpa sepengetahuan gw telah menelpon kantor tempat gw bekerja. Dan menanyakan status gw di perusahaan. Sialnya temen2 gw gak tahu menahu masalah pengajuan aplikasi kartu kredit. So, sepertinya kartu kredit perdana gw tidak tervalidasi deh. But let’s see, apakah nanti akan ada kurir datang ke kantor gw ataukah tidak sama sekali.
Selasa, 27 Mei 2008
Akses Internet WiFi/ Hotspot di Kos-kosan

Akses Internet Wi Fi/ Hotspot di Kos-kosan.

Kalo kamu adalah mahasiswa dan tinggal di kos-kosan,
Kamu pengen download sepuasnya tanpa berlari ke warnet atau ke kampus
We may help you, untuk menciptakan rumah kosmu menjadi rumah kos berfasilitas hotspot
Caranya cukup kirimkan data lengkap anda ke email saya : babe_yoens@yahoo. com
Tidak akan lama lagi rumah kosmu jadi kafe selevel starbuck ( ngopi sambil nge-net atau nge-net sambil ngopi)

Buruan daftar sekarang!

Dapatkan diskon khusus pelajar dan mahasiswa.

Vacancy At Telkom

Buat mahasiswa atau temen2 yang butuh pekerjaan part time /freelance.
Bisa bergabung di perusahaan kami PT. Hovpaxindo
Beralamat di Plasa Telkom Pajajaran Lantai 6
Jl. Pajajaran No. 37 Bogor

Contact Person:
Yuniar Annaliansyah (0251-379200)
email :

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008
Cobain Hotspot Dnamii Cafe
Iseng-iseng cobain hostpot di Dnamii Kafe Di Jln Dadali Bogor

Tempat ini nantinya bakalan jadi basecamp kantor gw . so gw cobain survey dulu sambil makan dan online.

sambil ditemani nasi goreng campur dan roti bakar, tanpa perlu bawa laptop gw bisa online gratis. cukup hanya dengan beli makan. ato klo gak makan dikenakan tarif Rp1000/jam
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008
Thank's Adsense!
Yuhuu….Finally….I get my first dollars from Adsense.yah..walopun baru $ 4.15 , tapi gw seneng, akhirnya gw bisa.

Adsense — in case you don’t know (*hari geenee ga tau adsense? capee deh), is Google’s little advertising engine for non-Google sites. You know when you see Google ads on a site somewhere, and it says “Ads by Gooooogle” or somesuch? That’s it.

Google has some rules about how you place Adsense code on your site, though, and how many Adsense blocks can appear on a page (two?)

You’ll need to customize the Adsense code in the plugin itself. Look in the adsense.php file. In the first function there’s a block that says “Begin Google Adsense code”. You want to replace the lines between that line and the one that says “End Google Adsense code” with your actual adsense code provided to you by Google. Otherwise, you’ll be showing ads for me.

Once you activate the plugin, you should notice a new button on your Quicktags toolbar. The new button is “Adsense”, and it
works like “more”. Click it to insert the Adsense tag, and enjoy the newfound wealth
