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Senin, 30 Juli 2007
Keep-ember-Mouth! Biar Ngga Berantem Again!

Few days ago, I disputed wit my close fren, indeed I’ve made mistake. Sebenarnya masalah sepele. She asked me about few words in English. And I made it up. Maybe dia sakit hati kali, dan emang dia lagi PMS juga. Ditambah besoknya aku made trouble again. firstly I didn’t know she was angry wit me, until she sms-ed me. And we communicated by sms service. Damn…! Can you imagine it? Iam living with her, and our rooms so close tapi ngomong aja pake HP, buang-buang pulsa and wasted my time just to wrote sms when I wanna to asked her. Saling ketemu pun diem-dieman. It was make me crazy. Daripada uring-uringan terus dan aku juga pengen tenang so I decided to go to jkt and stay in brother’s home for 3 days. Before I went to jkt. I wrote her letter and put it in her room, I beg apologized and I felt guilty and I said that I really care about her. Besok malamnya she sms-ed me and beg my apologize, huhuhuhu terharu banget, however I am caring of her badly. Kita saling menyayangi dan kita udah kayak kakak adek and I always care of her, that’s why when she got angry, gw benar-benar dibuat kacau, bawaannya uring-uringan. I am sad if dispute wit close friend, and I made it twice. Last time ago, gw juga berantem sama classmate, she’s also my close fren gara-gara gw ga demen ma her bf yg menurut gw playboy abis- dan parahnya she knew it all, gw heran aja kok dia bisa bertahan wit her bad bf. beruntung, She and I deciced to make it clear. Right now, everything is okay, My housemate ngajak gw ngomong kemarin after I arrived at home.

Lesson for life: keep this-big-mouth and jangan main nyeletuk aja, omongannya harus diayak pake ayakan pasir, biar halus and so no one will be hurted.