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Selasa, 27 Mei 2008
Akses Internet WiFi/ Hotspot di Kos-kosan

Akses Internet Wi Fi/ Hotspot di Kos-kosan.

Kalo kamu adalah mahasiswa dan tinggal di kos-kosan,
Kamu pengen download sepuasnya tanpa berlari ke warnet atau ke kampus
We may help you, untuk menciptakan rumah kosmu menjadi rumah kos berfasilitas hotspot
Caranya cukup kirimkan data lengkap anda ke email saya : babe_yoens@yahoo. com
Tidak akan lama lagi rumah kosmu jadi kafe selevel starbuck ( ngopi sambil nge-net atau nge-net sambil ngopi)

Buruan daftar sekarang!

Dapatkan diskon khusus pelajar dan mahasiswa.

Vacancy At Telkom

Buat mahasiswa atau temen2 yang butuh pekerjaan part time /freelance.
Bisa bergabung di perusahaan kami PT. Hovpaxindo
Beralamat di Plasa Telkom Pajajaran Lantai 6
Jl. Pajajaran No. 37 Bogor

Contact Person:
Yuniar Annaliansyah (0251-379200)
email :

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008
Cobain Hotspot Dnamii Cafe
Iseng-iseng cobain hostpot di Dnamii Kafe Di Jln Dadali Bogor

Tempat ini nantinya bakalan jadi basecamp kantor gw . so gw cobain survey dulu sambil makan dan online.

sambil ditemani nasi goreng campur dan roti bakar, tanpa perlu bawa laptop gw bisa online gratis. cukup hanya dengan beli makan. ato klo gak makan dikenakan tarif Rp1000/jam
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008
Thank's Adsense!
Yuhuu….Finally….I get my first dollars from Adsense.yah..walopun baru $ 4.15 , tapi gw seneng, akhirnya gw bisa.

Adsense — in case you don’t know (*hari geenee ga tau adsense? capee deh), is Google’s little advertising engine for non-Google sites. You know when you see Google ads on a site somewhere, and it says “Ads by Gooooogle” or somesuch? That’s it.

Google has some rules about how you place Adsense code on your site, though, and how many Adsense blocks can appear on a page (two?)

You’ll need to customize the Adsense code in the plugin itself. Look in the adsense.php file. In the first function there’s a block that says “Begin Google Adsense code”. You want to replace the lines between that line and the one that says “End Google Adsense code” with your actual adsense code provided to you by Google. Otherwise, you’ll be showing ads for me.

Once you activate the plugin, you should notice a new button on your Quicktags toolbar. The new button is “Adsense”, and it
works like “more”. Click it to insert the Adsense tag, and enjoy the newfound wealth


Jual Mobil

Mau jual mobil nihh. lagi BUC ( butuh uang cepet)

Sedan Honda Cello (tahun 1994), Warna Silver,

Jok Kulit, Velg Racing 18’ . TV, DVD, VCD, Radio

Plat B, mesin bagus dan kering

Harga Rp. 61.000.000 (nego)

Call Me : yuniar (08999507233)


Senin, 12 Mei 2008
My Broker is My Dog

Kemarin gw abis nganter buyer rumah Jl. Ceremai 4. Itu gara-gara si buyer ngotot minta diketemuin sama penjualnya. Lagian buyer gw itu agak nyentrik, rumah harga 3, 5 Milyar ditawar 1, 5 Milyar netto ga mau nanggung apa2. Jadi kata si bule (buyer gw wajahnya bule) duit yang ada di kantongnya Cuma ada 1, 5 Milyar ga lebih dan gak kurang.
Bener-bener keterlaluan itu bule batak (* orang bule tapi nama belakangnya Nasution*), masa rumah harga 3,5 Milyar ditawar 1, 5 Milyar. Tapi yang gw salut dan acungkan jempol adalah kejujuran dan niat baiknya. Dia bener-bener jujur dan serius untuk beli rumah tsb. Karena memang dari tahun 1995 dia emang udah ngincer rumah tsb. Soalnya gw pernah dapat kasus, orang Cuma nanya-nanya doang giliran harga udah deal 350 juta eh… itu pembeli menghilang aja ga tau rimbanya. Padahal si penjual udah serius banget mau menjual dan itu rumah lebih murah dari harga pasar.
Balik lagi ke si bule batak, akhirnya jam 10.00 kita berangkat ke rumah sang penjual yang lokasinya di Villa Duta untuk bernegosiasi. Untuk pertama kalinya gw bernegosiasi dengan bahasa tingkat tinggi. Gimana nggak tingkat tinggi, dua orang yang gw hadapi ini termasuk kalangan middle-up, dan bahasanya agak-agak aneh. Ya tentu saja negosiasi pake bahasa inggris campur sunda campur Indonesia. Halahhh pusing. Di situ gw sebagai penengah antara penjual dan pembeli.
Walopun tujuannya adalah jual beli rumah, tapi kata-kata pembuka alias basa basinya banyak banget. Ujung-ujungnya membicarakan masalah kesukaan mereka yaitu “Pet” alias binatang peliharaan mereka a.k.a anjing golden. Ngomongin anjing golden tiba-tiba si pemilik rumah memanggil anjing untuk ke rumah tamu
“ yuniar....yuniar.... sini” panggil si pemilik ke anjingnya untuk mendekat

“Hah...apa gak salah denger tuh gw, masa nama anjingnya persis nama gw”

“yuniar…sini sayang…” panggilnya lagi pada anjingnya, Kali ini panggilan lebih mesra kayak manggil anaknya. Sang anjing pun akhirnya menghampiri tuannya.

“Sialan nama anjingnya mirip nama gw” gw menggerutu

Waduh…anjingnya ngedeketin gw, gw agak-agak panik but I was trying look cool. Gw senyum-senyum mesem kecut. Beneran ini anjing ngedeketin gw. Ngendus-ngendus gitu. Mungkin dia juga mikir. Asyik ada kembaran gw.

Gw cuman bisa ber-he-he-he enggak jelas. Gw pun ngelus-ngelus bulu anjing golden yang lembut banget sambil ngedumel (*iya sayang....bentar lagi aku pulang kok abis itu mandi lagi pake air campur tanah).

Hasil negoisasi yang didapat : NOTHING

Karena setelah itu anjing ngerasa gw gak suka dia, akhirnya itu anjing deket2 si bule batak sambil cium-cium gitu ampe ilernya anjing kemana-mana. Dan pembicaraan tentang rumah agak tertunda karena keputusan deal harga rumah dipending dulu sampai nanti anaknya yang di Bandung datang.
Ya tinggal wait and see aja deh.
Tapi berita baiknya, hari kemarin salah satu buyerku yang investasi rumah udah kasih booking fee 10 juta untuk rumah reyot dan mau roboh seharga 132 juta dari harga penawaran 150 juta, dan dia dapat harga dibawah NJOP. Keren……..!!!!


Minggu, 11 Mei 2008
Dilema Resolusi 2008

gw jadi ingat temen kampus gw yg namanya budhi (*hallooo...budhi*)
"alah....elo yun, ngemeng doang mau ke kampus, mana.....mana....buktinya"

Sebenernya aku udah bilang cuti ke bos yg di raywhite untuk cuti 2 bulan dalam rangka skripsi. tapi karena besok kehadiran gw sangat diharapkan oleh pihak2 yg berkepentingan. mau gak mau. suka gak suka, gw harus mengalah , gw besok harus hadir di kantor dan ikut mengurusi masalah rumah yg dijual.

Kalau kata temen gw sih percuma aja cuti, lha wong tetep aja gak pernah ke kampus dan gak nyelesein skripsi. Kenapa setiap niatan gw mau ke kampus pasti ada halangan. yang jelas hari sabtu kemarin gw ditelp ama bu Irma dosen gw, untuk mempertanggungjawabkan skripsi gw.

Dan besok, gw ga tau akan ke kampus ato ke kantor, tapi jam 9 gw harus datang ke kantor, krn gw ada urusan tentang rumah yg di jual seharga 3.5 M itu udah ditawar ama orang dan kyknya tuh orang serius. Tapi harga belum bisa ketemu, krn penawarannya masih jauh 1.5 M (harga pembeli)

Sepertinya gw harus belajar untuk management waktu dan belajar bernegosiasi dengan waktu. Gw harus berlomba dengan waktu. Waktu untuk menyelesaikan skripsi sudah hampir habis dan waktu untuk bernegoisasi dengan pembeli juga hampir habis.


Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008
What is your birthday colour?
What is your birthday colour?
Birthday -> Colour -> Nature If your birthday is on ..... Scroll down to find out about your nature .....
December 23rd - January 1st
January 2nd - January 11th
January 12th - January 24th
January 25th - February 3
February 4th - February 8th
February 9th - February 18th
February 19th - February 28th
March1st - Match 10th
March 11 - March 20th
March 21 st
March 22 nd - March 31st
April 1st - April 10th
April 11th - April 20th
April 21st - April 30th
May 2nd - May 14th
May 15th - May 24th
May 25th - June 3rd
June 4th - June13th
Gray ( It's Me)
June 14 - June 23rd
June 24th
June 25 - July 4th
July 5th - July 14th
July 15th - July 25 th
July 26th - August 4 th
August 5th - August 13th
August 14th - August 23rd
August 24 - September 2nd
September 3rd - September12th
September 13th - September 22nd
September 23rd
September 24th - October 3rd
October 4th - October 13th
October 14th - October 23rd
October 24 - November 11th
November 12th - November 21st
November 22nd - December1st
December 2nd - December11th
December 12th - December 21st
December 22nd
Cute and lovable type, you are picky but always in love ...and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. Capable with people, nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to, and can make you feel comfortable.
Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out-going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go for a long long time.
You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high standards in picking love. You think and make a solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like to lead, and is easy for you to make new friends.
You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up people's day. You know what to say at the right time, and you have a good sense of humor.
You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person.
You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.
You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.
You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of romantic relationship.
You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to take things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble or not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better
